I’m in the business of protecting people. There are many tools in my arsenal that make me the best at what I do. One of them is FACT. The more I know, the safer I can keep you. The same thing can be said about YOUR business. The more you know, the more you can grow.
Gone are the OG days of the white board and dry erase markers. I’m a big fan of Wodify. It has top-notch user-friendly performance tracking AND it gives you all the financial and reporting tools you need to run your business efficiently. Online performance tracking will help you stay engaged with member progress and also become part of your defense in the event you get drawn into suit.
Trial lawyers are GOOD at making CrossFit look BAD. Let’s say someone gets hurt in your gym and draws you into suit. When the lawyer tries to paint you as a beast trying to maim and kill clients, you can pull their performance easily in Wodify. You can show a 6-minute Grace that’s turned into 2:15 and a CrossFit total that speaks to the athlete’s level of fitness. Most athletes push themselves harder than any trainer ever would.
These crazies don’t stay home. When someone gets injured, they usually don’t stop coming to the box. If they later leave and decide to sue, you can pull up records of attendance and performance that could possibly negate their claim. I have seen this happen on a few occasions, and it’s awesome. Nothing like a little cold hard proof to keep you safe.
You can STOP a problem before it becomes a problem
Three on, one off
Five on, two off
One on, one off
Most coaches agree that whatever your WOD schedule, people should be getting two full rest days a week. Wodify has an attendance report that computes weekly averages. You’ll be able to know if someone is not resting properly and hopefully prevent injury. You’ll also be able to see what someone lapses, and you can reach out to them before it’s too late.
Wodify’s E-Waivers are key. Storage is an issue for so many box owners, and digital waivers do not have to be stored. If you move your location, you won’t have to worry about moving files, cabinets or papers. Digital waivers are safely kept in your online storage system and easily found in the event you should need them. Even if your organization is dissolved, the box changes names, and you have a whole new life, YOU still need to be in possession of your former athletes’ waivers. It’s not wise to trust anyone who buys your box to keep these important papers. On Wodify, they will always be a click away.
I love protecting people. I REALLY love protecting people who want to protect themselves. And nothing stands up better in court than fact that can be proven. Start tracking everything that happen in your box TODAY! Call the folks at Wodify, and tell them Vaughn sent you.